CHEGANNUR NIDHI LIMITED is started on 1st APRIL 2016 , an associate company of ART GROUP OF COMPANIES. The company is Managed by – Mr. Samuel Kuzhiyil Kizhakethil Scaria, Mr. Paul Valiaparambil Thomas, Mr . Ravindran Pillai Valiathara Sankara Pillai and Mr. Cleetus Joseph, Mr. John Mathews, Adv. Mathew Mappilai, Mr. John Simon, as associate members.
The main objective of this company is to initiate the financial needs of our valued customers and to facilitate financial needs accordingly. With dedicated experienced staff and diverse products help to keep Nidhi a prosperity company. With all kinds of facilities in order to maintain good relationship with our valued customers. Many product serving Businessmen ,Professionals, Employees in various walks of life .Our main service’s in Chengannur Nidhi Limited are Gold loan, Mortgage loan, Fixed Deposits (various of schems), Recurring Deposit , Savings Account.
Administrative office Located at ground floor, ART chambers, Gov. hospital JN, MC Road , Chengannur , Alappuzha District , Kerala. Over 54 branches across central Travancore and many more to come in the near future.
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